Medvind Assistanse - seamless personal assistance services
Efficient HR Solutions for Medvind Assistanse I Verified E-signatures and Digital Platforms

Medvind Assistanse is a Norwegian-owned company that provides user-directed personal assistance to people with disabilities, giving them the opportunity to live an active and independent life. Medvind Assistanse utilizes Verified’s digital platforms for HR processes such as recruitment, work scheduling and onboarding of new clients and partners.
Easy to use and almost ‘’idiot-proof’’, Regional Manager for Region East, Torstein Lerhol, explains how these tools have freed up time to deliver even better customer service:
It’s very important to us that our customers have a seamless service experience. To make this happen, we need an administration that is easy to use and almost ‘’idiot-proof’’. Managing personal assistance services through Verified truly makes us efficient.
Torstein continues:
At Medvind Assistanse, we realized that service processes that don’t use digital signing are nearly outdated. So we’ve started using e-signatures in our HR operations. I had previous experience working with Verified’s platforms. My colleagues and I found the system easy to use, and we didn’t need a long introduction period to understand the system and become more efficient. So, the decision to go for Verified’s solution for Medvind was straightforward.

Currently, Medvind Assistanse utilizes Verified for various aspects of their daily HR operations. Another area where the solution comes in handy is the smart document library, where Medvind can store various PDFs and reports to present to inspections by local authorities.
The close relationship we have with Medvind is the key to this successful project. This gives us the confidence to deliver what we promise, and that’s what Medvind demands, says Pascal Hansson, Head of Sales at Verified in Norway.
We’re more efficient today
Medvind Assistance chose to start the collaboration with Verified in 2021, and the results so far show that the decision has been the right one.
We’ve become much more efficient and have been able to grow at a steady pace. Our employees and customers enjoy seamless administration, we’re less tied up in paperwork and we can control and fine-tune our service deliveries remotely.
Medvind Assistanse has managed to eliminate steps such as manual paperwork and instead use online onboarding for both their personal assistants and patients/users. This saves both time and resources.
We strongly recommend Verified as a partner to other companies considering e-signatures and working remotely with both staff and customers.